Friday, August 16, 2024

The Way I Heard It

 “The Way I Heard It” by Mike Rowe
Published by Simon & Schuster
I saw Mike Rowe and knew I wanted to listen to it.  I assumed it would be a memoir and although there are many pieces of his life mixed in, I wouldn’t call it a memoir.  Instead, it is made up of lots of little stories about people that are either well known or something they’ve created or done is well known.  The fun part is that he doesn’t reveal who he’s talking about until the very end of each story so it’s like a guessing game.  Some I could figure out before it was revealed but others were a complete surprise.  Granted, if you listen to his podcast, you’ll probably know all of them because apparently, he’s pulled the stories from there and wrote them into a book.  I’m sure if you read the book yourself his wit and charm would still come through but listening to his voice on the audio book just made it even more enjoyable.  I could listen to him talk all day.
Finished 8/16/24 – 3/5 stars
#thewayiheardit #mikerowe #simonandschuster #2024reads #genxreads #lynnsbookreviews

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