Friday, August 2, 2024

House of Glass

“House of Glass” by Sarah Pekkanen
Published by St. Martin’s Press
This is the 4th book by this author that I’ve read.  The other 3 were all 4 stars but this is a definite 5 star read.  In this book, an attorney is appointed by the court to determine who should have custody of a young girl whose parents are divorcing.  What makes the decision more complex is that the girl’s nanny recently died by falling through her bedroom window – was it an accident or was she pushed, and if so, by who? That unknown will keep you apprehensive the majority of the time.  You just never know who can be trusted in each situation, so danger seems to be lurking around every corner.  It may have kept my heart rate up, but I really enjoyed this book from start to finish.
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the complimentary copy of this book.  As always, the opinions expressed within this review are completely my own.
Finished 8/2/24 - 5/5 stars  (publication date is 8/6/24)
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