Thursday, August 29, 2024

By Any Other Name


“By Any Other Name” by Jodi Picoult
Published by Ballantine Books / Random House
I’m a huge Jodi Picoult fan but was actually apprehensive to read this one.  I don’t like Shakespeare and, honestly, have a hard time reading his work.  Knowing the legitimacy of his writings was the focus of this book made me nervous but very interested as well.  I should have just trusted Jodi because I thought it was great.  I initially had a hard time getting into the storyline taking place in the 1500s but once I did, it was smooth sailing.  I actually ended up enjoying the older timeline more than the current one, which is the complete opposite of what I expected.  I definitely recommend this historical fiction whether you’re a Shakespeare fan or not.  It’s two storylines, each with a little romance and strong female leads, with his writings tying the two together.
Thank you to NetGalley, Ballantine Books/Random House for the complimentary copy of this book.  As always, the opinions expressed within this review are completely my own.
Finished 8/28/24 – 4/5 stars
#byanyothername #jodipicoult #ballantinebooks #randomhouse #netgalley #2024reads #genxreads

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