Saturday, July 9, 2022

Into the Water

“Into the Water” by Paula Hawkins

Published by Riverhead Books

Finished 7/9/22 – 5/5 stars
I finished this book in just a few days!  Yes, I’m on vacation so I have more time to read but still.  That’s how good of a book it is.  Initially I thought it would be hard to follow along with all the different characters that have individual chapters but it really wasn’t.  It just gave you more perspectives into the storyline. 
The story is set at a “Drowning Pool” in England, where the river slows enough to create a deep pool of water for swimming.  In the past it was used to test women to see if they were witches.  Recently there have been more drownings.  Were they suicides, accidents, or murder?  Or a combination of all 3?  I can’t tell you.  You’ll have to read it to find out.  And trust me, you’ll change your mind a few times regarding at least one.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Helltown: The Untold Story of Serial Murder on Cape Cod


“Helltown: The Untold Story of Serial Murder on Cape Cod”
By Casey Sherman
Published by Sourcebooks
Finished 7/7/22 – 4/5 stars

Helltown is a work of fact told with elements of fiction storytelling.” – Casey Sherman

Non-fiction can be hit or miss for me but I greatly enjoyed this one.  Whereas I knew about other historical events/information included within this story, I had never heard of the serial killer Tony Costa.  My parents hadn’t heard of these murders either.  Granted they had moved away from Western Mass about 5 years prior, Vietnam was still going on, and Charles Manson hit the west coast by storm before Costa went to trial so that might have taken away some of the attention.

There are a few storylines within the book but the main topic is the gruesome murders of 5 young women.  Some were locals and others were not.  All were lives taken way too soon by a drug addict with an alter ego controlling his actions.  I thought all the stories were well told and blended together nicely so I would say it was well written.  I definitely recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for gifting me with an advanced copy to read and review.


Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Lies I Tell


“The Lies I Tell” by Julie Clark

Published by Sourcebooks Landmark

Finished 7/2/22 - 3.5/4 stars

This is the book of two women, told in alternating points of view.  One is a woman who is a con artist, seeking revenge against a man who ripped her family home out from under her mom, changing their lives forever.  The other is a journalist, chasing a story about the con artist she was first made aware of 10 years prior and has been obsessed with since.  When the con artist suddenly resurfaces, she befriends her to try to get the inside story.  Is she just setting herself up to be conned as well?  Can you ever truly trust a con artist?

Whereas I enjoyed the story, I felt at times it was a little far fetched.  But then again, maybe some people are just more gullible and trusting than I would think.  Or maybe it’s because of my banking background that makes me more skeptical.  Regardless, I found it entertaining, just not very believable at times.

 Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for gifting me with an advanced copy to read and review.  And also thank you to Book of the Month  for making in an option so that I could have a hard copy for family to read as well.