Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ordinary Grace


“Ordinary Grace” by William Kent Krueger
Published by Atria
This is the third stand-alone novel written by William Kent Krueger that I’ve read and all three have been outstanding.  I absolutely love his writing - the characters, settings, storylines, all of it.  I would say he’s now on the short list of authors in which I’ll add their books to my TBR as soon as I hear of a new one coming.
This book is a coming-of-age story that takes place in a small town during the summer of 1961.  “It was a summer in which death, in visitation, assumed many forms.  Accident.  Nature. Suicide.  Murder.”  And yet, with all that death, it’s not a depressing book.  I think part of the reason why is because you are reading the story from the point of view of a 13-year-old boy.  His innocence, and that of his brother, keeps it lighter.  There is a religious aspect to it as well because his father is a preacher, but I didn’t find it to be too “preachy”.  I highly recommend this one.
Finished 6/12/24 – 5/5 stars
#ordinarygrace #williamkentkrueger #atria #simonandschuster #5starreads #2024reads #lynnsbookreviews

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