Friday, July 5, 2024

The Lost Story


“The Lost Story” by Meg Shaffer
Published by Ballantine Books
This book was out of my comfort zone because I don’t read fantasy and not much YA, which I feel like this is (although characters are older most of the time).  But when it was described to be like Narnia, with humans in a fantasy world, I thought I’d give it a try.  I’m really glad a did – I read it in less than 24 hours!  The story itself was great but it also has “storyteller” chapters with a narrator like a fairytale and some of those chapters made me chuckle out loud – such fun!  It’s not like books I normally recommend and don’t know that it’s everyone’s cup of tea, but I hope everyone will give it a try and let it bring out their inner child’s imagination.  And bonus, there’s a recipe for an apple cake at the back that sounds delicious.
Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the complimentary copy of this book.  As always, the opinions expressed within this review are completely my own.
Finished 7/5/24 – 4/5 stars (publication date 7/16/24)
#theloststory #megshaffer #ballantinebooks #netgalley #2024reads #lynnsbookreviews

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