Thursday, August 6, 2020

This Tender Land

"This Tender Land" by William Kent Krueger
5/5 stars
Finished 6/20/20 (catching up)

I GREATLY enjoyed this story and the stories within the story. The author has a writing style that flows wonderfully, with just the right amount of description for you to picture it and feel like you are there. But not too much to make you want to speed read over those parts (bad habit of mine).

Some of the historical background within this novel is not one I remembered learning about. I knew Native Americans were forced off their land and many killed for trying to hold on to it, but I was unaware of children being forced off their reservations to attend boarding schools that were formed to strip these children of their culture and language, punishing them if they spoke in their native tongue, and using them as free labor for the local farms. Unfortunately it's another part of American history that is an embarrassment that thankfully we put a stop to.

The story itself begins at one such school and then takes you on an adventure down the river as 4 young children/teens attempt to find freedom from the school and its horrific administration. Some might say it’s a “coming of age” story with adult size issues to overcome but I feel it’s much more than that. It’s a story of hope, family, friendship, and so much more. You are taken you on a journey you just don’t want to end. I highly recommend you give it a read.

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