Monday, September 16, 2024

The Children Act


“The Children Act” by Ian McEwan
Published by Anchor
It’s been a while since I’ve read an Ian McEwan book – I had forgotten how well he writes.  The topics within this book will truly make you think and self-reflect as to how you would handle a situation and/or how you would want it handled.  And not just a singular situation, there are multiple of them.  As a judge in England, the main character has to decide the future of some children, but she also has issues in her personal life that she must deal with as well.  Honestly, I wish it had ended differently but overall, it was a really good read and I highly recommend it.
Finished 9/16/24 – 4/5 stars
#thechildrenact #ianmcewan #anchor #2024reads #genxreads #bookstagram

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