Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Truth About the Accident

 “The Truth About the Accident” by Nicole Trope
Published by Grand Central Publishing
I’m honestly not 100% sure how I feel about this book.  The way it’s written is great, but I didn’t like a single character.  Not one.  It’s hard to love a book when you continually want to throw it across the room in frustration of the characters’ actions or lack thereof.  It’s the story of a hit and run of a pedestrian crossing a busy street on a rainy day in Australia.  It’s told in multiple points of view – all women with some form of relationship with the man who has been hit and now lays unconscious in a hospital room.  Throughout the book you are kept wondering if one of them was driving the car that hit him.  You do finally find out at the end just what happened, but no spoilers here.  You’ll have to read it if you really want to know.
Finished 9/29/24 – 3/5 stars
#thetruthabouttheaccident #nicoletrope #grandcentralpublishing #2024reads #genxreads

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Night Road

“Night Road” by Kristin Hannah
Published by St. Martin’s Griffin
This is my first Kristin Hannah book that isn’t historical fiction, and I loved it just as much as the others I’ve read.  I was definitely engrossed in the storyline because it actually brought tears to my eyes a few times and I don’t cry easily at books.  I’m guessing that is partly because I have 2 young adult daughters that I recently helped guide through those teen years, so it hit a little too close to home at times.  Overall, I would say it is a story of choices and consequences (both for children and parents alike), trauma and healing, friendships, and above all, family and the love that binds us.  I highly recommend this one. It may be heart wrenching at times but it is also loaded with many other emotions and feel good moments.
Finished 9/22/24 – 5/5 stars
#nightroad #kristinhannah #stmartinsgriffin #5starreads #2024reads #genxreads #bookstagram


Monday, September 16, 2024

The Children Act


“The Children Act” by Ian McEwan
Published by Anchor
It’s been a while since I’ve read an Ian McEwan book – I had forgotten how well he writes.  The topics within this book will truly make you think and self-reflect as to how you would handle a situation and/or how you would want it handled.  And not just a singular situation, there are multiple of them.  As a judge in England, the main character has to decide the future of some children, but she also has issues in her personal life that she must deal with as well.  Honestly, I wish it had ended differently but overall, it was a really good read and I highly recommend it.
Finished 9/16/24 – 4/5 stars
#thechildrenact #ianmcewan #anchor #2024reads #genxreads #bookstagram

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Things You Save in a Fire


“Things You Save in a Fire” by Katherine Center
Published by St. Martin’s Griffin
This is a heartwarming story of finding forgiveness for yourself and others. The female lead is strong physically but weak emotionally due to traumas from her childhood 10 years ago.  This is the journey of her healing.  It’s quite predictable but since it’s not a thriller/suspense, I’m OK with it.  I think it works well as a vacation read or a palate cleanser after an intense read, when needing something light.
Finished 9/1/24 – 3/5 stars
#thingsyousaveinafire @katherinecenter #stmartinsgriffin #2024reads #lynnsbookreviews #genxreads